Pink Weekend - Order your Shirt NOW!

Pink Weekend will be here before we know it! (17th - 19th August 2018) This is our club's major charity fundraiser for the year. All the monies raised will be donated to Breast Cancer Research, Prostate Cancer Research and Make-a-Wish Foundation.

This is a fun weekend to be had by all, there will be jumping castles, face painting, fun stalls, Roar players, lot's of games and much much more.....

Most of our teams choose to play in the Pink Shirts on the Day. They can then be used as training shirts and team away game-day shirts following the event.

If you have any questions please email Shaun at

Please get involved and help where you can, no matter how small a contribution you can make, it is all important and valued!


PS. please add yourself to our Pink Day Weekend Event on our facebook page. Also we will be conducting a meeting for anyone who wants to get involved and help, 1pm Saturday 23rd June inside the clubhouse. Hopefully we will see you there!

Pink Weekend Shirts can be ordered HERE

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