ShredEm Fitness & JFit MUMS (Early Bird Special BOOK TODAY!)
Support our local Sponsor, Get Fit and take on the Challenge!!
#1 Package -
5 classes per week available
•Price $249 (M,W,F 9:30am & Saturday am)
#2 Package - all inclusive 16 classes per week
•Price $279
•Extra bonus - 1 x free PT session
Early bird special (15th-29th March limited time to receive this offer, BOOK TODAY!!)
* Package #2 for the price of package #1 when you join with a friend.
Most important for stay at home mums who attend our 9:30am classes we have included child minding while you workout, absolutely FREE!
*Included ;
- Photos, measurements and analysis
- Weekly wellness support online videos
- Meal plan, guidelines and weekly recipes
- 24/7 online support page
- Weekly support emails
- Pre and post Fitness testing
- Social events
- End of challenge social break up
Contact Jenna +61 410 178 782
Tag your friends or better yet, tag your mum that could use a new lease on life
Also, please visit JFIT & ShredEm Fitness for this and other great offers